“Caught in thoughts”
Den 8. november 2019
(Læsetid 2. min)
Du kan her nedenunder høre mig læse digtet “Caught in thoughts” højt, som jeg stillede op og vandt med i “Ubud Writers & Readers Festival Poetry Slam 2019”.
Lyden er lav, da mit tech-udstyr her i Vietnam, hvor jeg befinder mig lige nu, ikke er helt optimalt. Så husk høretelefoner. Du kan finde digtet i sin skriftlige form under videoen.
God fornøjelse kære ven…
Caught in thoughts
I am thinking a thought
The thought that I think is that I am thinking a thought
I have to pee
I see
That’s my thought
I think it’s a thought
Me and my thoughts. I’m thinking – It’s just a thought
I think
What if I don’t think? Im thinking
Then I will be free of that thought
It’s a thought
Is everything a thought led from another thought?
In my dorm room a spider is spinning its web over my head while im laying down in my bed
Connecting one thread to another thread leading to the next
Creating a maze of threads as its home
Expanding. Not stopping. Keep producing the next and the next and the next
Does it ever stop to think a thought?
Interesting thought
What was the first thought I thought?
I think after thinking the next thought, I must have
I have to pee. More
I have thought that before. Haven´t I?
But this is a new thought
Before two different thoughts, I thought two identical thoughts
But it was a thought
I think thoughts
Am I my thoughts?
I think so
So why not stop thinking
Think about stop thinking. Think. Help. I think
I think I need help
I feel trapped in that thought
In my head
In my own spider web
//Jesper Munk Jakobsen
Læs om, hvordan jeg skrev digtet og først valgte dagen inden at stille op til mit aller første poetry slam: “Vinder af #UWRF Poetry Slam 2019“
Læs også mere på stiften.dk: “Jespers tankemylder var et hit på Bali: 30-årig århusianer vinder international konkurrence“
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